Unable to type in Microsoft Word


When you load Microsoft Word you are unable to type anything in a new blank document.


This is usually caused by a conflict with another program that integrates with Office.
You are more likely to have this problem if you have the SmartBoard Software Smart Ink installed and are running Office 2013.
Open Word and select a new blank document. Try to type. If it does not allow typing, do this to resolve the issue:
1. Under File, select Options.
2. Click Add-ins (left pane).
3. In the main window, under Active Application Add-ins, select SMARTInk-Word-All.
4. At the bottom: Manage: COM Add-ins. Click the Go button.
5. Uncheck SMARTINK-Word-All. Click OK.
You should now be able to type.

Last Update: September 22, 2017  

April 7, 2017 1599 Mark Scarberry  General
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About The Author

I have worked in the computer repair field since the early '90s. I was a technician and then Coordinator of Computer Repair for Regional Education Service Agency II (RESA 2) for 18 years. I currently work for Wayne County Schools as a Network Engineer/Technology Specialist. I am responsible for the schools' Internet access, Wi-Fi, networks, servers, laptops, desktops, and operating systems and software.

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