Student Email Lookup-Administrators

NOTICE:  The User Portal is NOT available when you are not at school and will not show up on the BOE menu.

Student Email List-Administrators


Administrators can find the Student Email List (Admin) in the User Portal under the Staff tab on the Wayne County Board of Education website.  Administrators will access the User Portal using their computer login information.

Administrators can use this tool to find the email address and password for students in your school.

You can search by Student Name or Student ID.

To search by Student name, type the name in the Search by Name tab.  You can search by first name, last name, or both.  As you type in the name, the list will be reduced to the names meeting the search criteria.

To search by Student ID, type the ID number in the Search by Student ID tab.  You can search by full ID number or simply the student’s five-digit lunch number.  As you type in the ID number, the list will be reduced to the ID numbers meeting the search criteria.

In the student list, you will see columns for Student Email Address, Student ID, Password Changed date, and Password.  To view the current password, click on View Password for the student.

Last Update: April 7, 2020  

August 27, 2018 576 fhroberts
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