A program is missing in Software Center that is available on other machines or a program is out of date on this machine and not others.
The SCCM client may be out of date or broken. Open the control panel and search for Configuration Manager. Launch Configuration Manager.
Click on the Actions tab. Highlight Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle. Click the Run Now button.
Open Software Center and watch for either new software to appear or a program to start installing.
NOTE: Hitting the Run Now button only adds a request to a queue that will run when the system wants to run it. Clicking the button over and over will not make it go any faster.
If after 5 minutes nothing has shown up or changed you might want to check and see if the client is stuck in Provisioning Mode. Navigate to components. Make sure all items have a status of enabled or installed. If the second item shows as Disabled, the client may be stuck in Provisioning Mode. To fix this, you must reinstall the client.
NOTE: Only IT staff can reinstall the client. If you are a student or teacher you will have to call the helpdesk.
Open SCCM, find the machine, and right click on it. Click on Install Client. Click next.
Make sure you select the second options that say Always install the client and Uninstall existing…
After this, you should be finished.
Last Update: October 3, 2024