Smart Board Pen Tray lights won’t come on


The SMART Pen Tray’s lights won’t light up when you pick up a pen or eraser.


If the infrared light sensors in the bottom of your pen tray’s recesses are obstructed, they won’t detect when a pen or eraser is picked up from the tray.


Remove any obstructions from the pen tray’s infrared light sensors. Moisten a cotton swab with a household glass cleaner and carefully wipe the sensors. Also, you can spray compressed air over the sensors to remove debris.

There is a light and sensor under each pen and the eraser.  If you lose your pens or erase you can replace them with any other type of marker or even a wooden dowel to cover the sensor.


When the pen is in the tray the light above it (1.) is dark. When removed the light (1.) is lit and the sensor (2.) underneath is uncovered.

If the lights still won’t come on after you’ve cleaned the sensors, try using one of the pens and gently rubbing the sensor until you see it light up.


See also KB

Last Update: December 6, 2018  

August 31, 2017 1583 Mark Scarberry  SmartBoard
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About The Author

I have worked in the computer repair field since the early '90s. I was a technician and then Coordinator of Computer Repair for Regional Education Service Agency II (RESA 2) for 18 years. I currently work for Wayne County Schools as a Network Engineer/Technology Specialist. I am responsible for the schools' Internet access, Wi-Fi, networks, servers, laptops, desktops, and operating systems and software.

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