Setup MFA/2FA for Office 365

Step 1)  Log into office 365 on the web at

Step 2)  Click on the little circle icon in the top right corner that has your initials in it.

Step 3)  On the little box that appears below your initials with your name click on “View Account”

Step 4)  On the left side of the screen on the menu click on “Security Info”

Step 5)  In the middle of the screen it will show you if you have setup a 2nd sign in method.  If you have not, it will just show “Add sign-in method” Click “Add sign-in method”

Step 6)  It will ask you what method you want to use. I suggest you click “Phone” as it is the easiest to setup and will just send you a text message with a code when you need to sign in.

Enter your phone number and it will text you a code.  Type the code in the box on the screen. Follow the prompts by clicking Next or OK to finish your setup.

Now when you try to access office from a personal phone or computer you will get a text message on your phone and you just have to enter the two digit code you were just texted on the phone or laptop you are trying to open office on to get access.


If you do not have cell service and/or you can’t receive a text message where you need to access office 365 but you have internet access you can install the Microsoft Authenticator App on your phone which will give you the code you need to access office.  Please be careful and install the Microsoft Authenticator App and not a third party similarly named app which will ask you to pay for the app.

Last Update: September 4, 2024  

September 4, 2024 10 Mark Scarberry  Office 365
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About The Author

I have worked in the computer repair field since the early '90s. I was a technician and then Coordinator of Computer Repair for Regional Education Service Agency II (RESA 2) for 18 years. I currently work for Wayne County Schools as a Network Engineer/Technology Specialist. I am responsible for the schools' Internet access, Wi-Fi, networks, servers, laptops, desktops, and operating systems and software.

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