How to Set Up and Use OneDrive On Demand Files in Windows 10 version 1709

How to Set Up and Use OneDrive On Demand Files in Windows 10

First, your device must be running the latest version of Windows 10 called the Fall Creators Update, version 1709. Files On-Demand will not be backported to older versions of Windows 10. There is currently no support for alternative platforms such as macOS, iOS or Android. Hopefully, that will change in the future.

After installing Windows 10 1709, you will now have the option of managing how files are stored and accessed on your device. Click the Turn On button to begin using On Demand Files.

If you are not prompted to do so you will likely need to enable On Demand Files manually. Right-click the OneDrive icon in the Notification area and click Settings.

Choose the Settings tab then check the box Save space and download files as you use them.

In your OneDrive personal folder, a new status emblem column is enabled, showing availability of your files, whether they are online, local or always available. The status icons will only show up when you are connected to the Internet. When you’re online, you’ll also see context menu items that can change the status of your files. Here is a little bit of info about what each means.

Online: Represented by a cloud emblem, means, the file is visible, but not actually on the device. If your computer is not connected to the Internet and you attempt to launch a file, you will receive the following error message.

Local: This option downloads the file to your hard disk, which starts using space. Local files are represented by a green tick box.

If you decide you no longer need the file locally, you can change its status back to online. Right-click the file then click Free up space. The assigned emblem will change to a cloud icon again.

Always Available: Downloads the file to your device; making it available at all times. Represented by a green circle emblem. This is convenient for frequently accessed files.

On Demand not only works with files, but you can also set folders using any of the available options or mark individual files within a folder. Files and folders moved outside of OneDrive will be automatically downloaded to the local drive.

Last Update: October 31, 2017  

October 31, 2017 409 Mark Scarberry  
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About The Author

I have worked in the computer repair field since the early '90s. I was a technician and then Coordinator of Computer Repair for Regional Education Service Agency II (RESA 2) for 18 years. I currently work for Wayne County Schools as a Network Engineer/Technology Specialist. I am responsible for the schools' Internet access, Wi-Fi, networks, servers, laptops, desktops, and operating systems and software.

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