Can see OneDrive files but cannot open after name change


After a user has requested and had their name changed in WVEIS or in Office365 they may not be able to access their files stored on OneDrive.


When you you request a name change your email address just gets updated and the old one is as added as an alias.

There is a currently a bug with the main Office365 landing page (much like the bug with the “Shared with Me” page) where the urls do not get updated when the email address changes. The email address is used in the URL of OneDrive files and this causes those links to break. The user can still access all their files by going to the OneDrive application in the app launcher and then as they start using those files it will be update the “recent” section of that main landing page.

Last Update: December 7, 2018  

December 7, 2018 623 Mark Scarberry  Office 365
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About The Author

I have worked in the computer repair field since the early '90s. I was a technician and then Coordinator of Computer Repair for Regional Education Service Agency II (RESA 2) for 18 years. I currently work for Wayne County Schools as a Network Engineer/Technology Specialist. I am responsible for the schools' Internet access, Wi-Fi, networks, servers, laptops, desktops, and operating systems and software.

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