Step 1) Log into office 365 on the web at Step 2) Click on the little circle ...
Step 1) Log into office 365 on the web at Step 2) Click on the little circle icon in the top right corner that has your initials in it. Step 3) On the little box that appe ...
In order to install the Microsoft Teams desktop app, you must first log in to Office 365 with your k12 em ...
In order to install the Microsoft Teams desktop app, you must first log in to Office 365 with your k12 email account. Instructions on the login process can be found here: Accessing Office 365. Once y ...
When you are using OneDrive and you delete files they are placed in the OneDrive recycle bin and are reco ...
When you are using OneDrive and you delete files they are placed in the OneDrive recycle bin and are recoverable just like normal files on your pc. If you delete a large number of files you may recei ...
The following instructions are written with the end-user in mind. If you are a school or county email ad ...
The following instructions are written with the end-user in mind. If you are a school or county email administrator the steps will be slightly different for you. If you don't understand what the info ...
Problem After a user has requested and had their name changed in WVEIS or in Office365 they may not be ab ...
Problem After a user has requested and had their name changed in WVEIS or in Office365 they may not be able to access their files stored on OneDrive. Solution When you you request a name change your e ...
If you know your password and you want to change your password click the link below. http://wvde.state.wv ...
If you know your password and you want to change your password click the link below. If you do not know your password contact the IT department or you can attempt ...